RE: [GnomeMeeting-list] Video Conference Limits

Hi David,

hope u don't mind i answer on his behalf ;)

Am Do, den 08.01.2004 schrieb David Mynatt um 22:28:
> Damien-
> Apologize for being confusing; 'doing videoconferencing' means I have
> two or more folks online at the same time, while one person, not at the
> server where OpenH323 and etc is loaded, is trying to conduct a training
> session using video and voice.

there's a serious distance between "two people doing videoconferencing"
(which is 1-on-1 like GM-GM or GM-NetMeeting) and "three or more" for
the latter requires a conference server and cannot be achieved only by
using a client like GnomeMeeting or NetMeeting without any helper

> Also see OpenH323 is a lib :-}

yep ;)

> What is 'Asterisk + GnomeMeeting'; Is it A ListSvr, or chat, or book :-{
> Do I need authorization to use it? 

Asterisk is a "Home PBX", that is a small telephone carrier service so
to say.. you can attach ISDN, H323 and other stuff to it.. it's pretty
fancy when using all features, but not quite the install&run beginner
level *g*

> Is IP Telephony the 'accepted' term for video and voice, as opposed to
> FoIP and VoIP?

whatever FoIP is, IP Telephony and VoIP are both fine.. though the first
does stress more the audio transmission in mind whereas the latter is
more image/video oriented thinking.. Technically audio is more
challenging as you can hear better than see (in terms of latency).. or
at least you're distracted more when audio is chippy and broken *g*

hope this helps a bit ;)

Best regards,

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