Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Relocation error

On mar, 2004-01-13 at 12:38, Anne Wilson wrote:
> After a Mandrake reinstall and kernel change I am trying to get 
> GnomeMeeting working again.  I thought I had documented the steps I 
> took before, but I've hit trouble.  The error message is:
> gnomemeeting: relocation error: gnomemeeting: undefined symbol: 
> _ZTI15H323VideoDevice
> I am wondering whether I have version mismatches somewhere?  Can you 
> point me in the right direction?

It looks indeed like a version mismatch;
* remove all pwlib, openh323 and gnomemeeting packages from your system;
* install new pwlib, openh323 and gnomemeeting packages.

But please, only install packages that:
* are for your exact distribution;
* have matching versions, as advertised on


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