Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Elesign 1710 and GnomeMeeting

Hello Sam,

Thanks a lot for that useful ineteroperability test report!

Moreover, giving good news is always something good to do on such lists

Le ven 30/01/2004 à 19:08, Sam Lown a écrit :
> Hi All,
> Just for the records, (i.e. google), the Elesign 1710 VoIP device is
> finally working great with GnomeMeeting, thanks to help from Alexandre
> Aracting who also has one.
> Here are the details:
> Details:
>   2 x Ethernet ports - one internet, one internal
>   Built in NAT router
>   2 x RJ11 ports - one for phone - one for external line
>   Codecs: G.711, G.723.1, G.729
> To work with GnomeMeeting:
>   Disable FastStart - Current firmware causes the unit to reset itself
> otherwise.
>   Disable H.245 Tunneling
> The device will need the latest firmware to function correctly (version
> 3.26). E-mail: elesign elesign com for a new version. It doesn't seem
> possible to update the device via TFTP, I had to reboot to my Laptop's
> WinXP <spit> and run their programs which seem to do a lot more than a
> simple TFTP transfer.
> I got the device from, a Spanish Internet calling
> company. However their firmware seems very crippled and does not work
> correctly with other H.323 device. They annoyed me through their lack of
> support and don't support NAT in any way (very silly considering
> Telefonica have started charging extra for non-NATed IPs on ADSL!!).
> (For those interested, I now use with it in the UK,
> they are friendlier and put much more effort into supporting NAT. I
> connect to them through my local GnuGK server).
> Overall the device is very good and with the new firmware it works
> great. I don't use it as a NAT router, I prefer greater control and the
> DHCP allocation seems a bit dodgy. The line-in support makes it ideal
> for using the same phone with both lines. Also useful to note, is that
> it doesn't give out a lot of power for the ringer, some phones won't
> ring with it. I got myself a digital portable phone which works great.
> Hopefully someone will find this useful,
> Cheers,
> sam
 _      Damien Sandras
//\     It-Optics s.a.
v_/_    GnomeMeeting:
        FOSDEM 2004:
        H.323 phone: seconix com

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