Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] directory of gnomemeeting users

Hi Marc,

> Thanks for the generous offer, I'm sure Kilian will find somebody to do
> the initial work. Unfortunately, video transmission is not possible
> without writing a specific OSX plugin for gnomemeeting/pwlib and that is
> something that can very hardly be done remotely, so if you know somebody
> who could do it and who owns a GX, don't hesitate to ask him.

With VServer i thought of something like where you
can have a full root access with restricted machine access. So that way
you cannot harm the host system by still having full root powers to do
packages administration needed for packaging.
Yet Damien reckoned that for initial work to be done, someone needs to
have a MOSX machine right in front of him instead of getting only ssh
access (whatever powerful it may be).
So if there's a willing and capable quicktime coder for MOSX, maybe the
code of OhPhoneX can be transferred into a working pwlib-plugin that
will do the video input like the BSD video, or the V4L/AVC/DC plugins
for Linux. 

Julien might be able to give you a helping hand with the plugins system,
in case you need further assistance in getting the plugin api wrapped
around the mosx quicktime functions of ohpohnex.

However after the initial setup is done, a buildshell would be nice to
get some frequently requested packaging going. If that shell can be perm
and full root, then we might even include it into the buildd process of
automagic cvs packaing. 

Thus whoever has some reasonable new yet unneeded (building should be
faster than some 10 hours for pwlib,openh323,gnomemeeting) hardware of
non-i386 (not only ppc, but also others, like alpha, sparc, arm, mips,
mipsel etc.) to support this project, please contact me.

Best regards,

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