[GnomeMeeting-list] pwlib on MacosX

Hi all,

I did launch the gm compilation on darwin MacosX 1.3.4 gcc 3.3 (1.2 developpers)
I can't get rid off fatal errors  building the pwlib-r.1.7.3.dylib  
lib.  It's only warnings doing the  static library. (Openh323 got 
similar errors, Gnomemeeting  compiles correctly).
d: multiple definitions of symbol PScalarArray<unsigned 
short>::~PScalarArray [in-charge deleting]()
/ApplisNet/GM/OLD/pwlib/lib/obj_Darwin_ppc_r/asner.o definition of 
PScalarArray<unsigned short>::~PScalarArray [in-charge deleting]() in 
section (__TEXT,__text)
The ~PScalarArray destructor is defined 3 times in every of the asner.cxx, pdns.cxx and pils.cxx source files of the ptclib ( abstract template class in array.h used to produce array of various types)
I could not produce a workaround neither with ld options nor 
corrections of the sources but I am very basic on C++ and precompiler. 
It seems to be a wrong interpretation of the precompiler tag #pragma 
Did anyone get a similar problem? Thanks for any suggestion.


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