Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Camera problems

Hi Andy,

> 1. xawtv works fine

hmm, ok.. doesn't prove anything yet, but is a hint.

> 2. GM connection works fine between his machine and mine if we do not
>    use video on his machine.  Audio works both ways and he can see me.

Ok, aparently GM is working somewhat ok.

> 3. If he tries to use his camera, GM crashes as soon as we attempt a
>    connection.

GM crashes or the entire kernel? Can you provide a gdb backtrace?
Usually a popup should come on and tell you to provide feedback to the
developers.. just have it show details and click on copy.

Aparently you're either using Debian SID or our Debian SARGE packs.
Either way you should have libpt-plugins-v4l installed (which you very
likely have). Please provide more feedback if the GM app only segfaults
or the kernel freezes/oopses. The latter is a broken driver which we
cannot do anything about. If however it's the former, please provide a
backtrace that Damien can look into when he's back.

Also, maybe try your packs at compared to Debian SID
ones. It might be that we broke something unnoticed so far.

Best regards,

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