[GnomeMeeting-list] Re: Some more comments on the GUI.

Damien Sandras <dsandras seconix com> writes:

> Video is not tabbed. Call details are not tabbed either. Seriously :)

Another remark, as this is quite funny. I phased out the video stuff
during our discussion because it really doesn't interest me too much.

So I saw the video tab on the other screenshots and thought 'ah video
went there'. Then, I took a brief look at the video screenshot, didn't
notice the tabs were missing but saw the call detail at the
bottom. So, intuitively, I thought the call display area is on tabs
also. I understand now though that video is just hidable, and the
tabs are either as 'control area'. Maybe I would still put the call
details above the video though.

Another confusion point was the flashing of an imcoming call. Since
I've been using other phones lately, and since GM is the only phone to
do that, I forgot it pops up another window on incoming call. Oh well

That also answers another question I had in mind with the video
screenshot, i.e. where do I have to go when a call comes in. Just
forgot that extra window, sorry.

Regards, Bruno.

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