Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] GM - no sound and config druid hangs on "test settings"


I appreciate your quick reply. I'm somewhat of a noob and various other methods haven't yielded any new info, so I'll bother you with this - how do I go about upgrading libasound?
I've got libalsa2-1.0.6-1mdk + devel & static-devel packages installed. 
A search on for libalsa2 gets me the libalsa2-1.0.8 package 
which requires me to remove a huge number of packages (various libSDLs, 
libalsas, libarts, etc) and I fall into dependency hell. Any advice?

Damien Sandras wrote:

Le mardi 09 août 2005 à 14:37 -0400, Perry Schlanger a écrit :
Hi, I just installed the new PWC driver/module from - installed without a hitch. I get the large video no problem but I have no sound. When I try to run the config druid's test settings (either audio or video) the whole thing hangs.
System is Mandrake 10.1 with the kernel, GM version 1.0.2, 
using ALSA for sound. Soundblaster Live! for output, USB device for 
input - Logitech QuickCam 4000 Pro - Phillips chip

Try to find a newer version for libasound. There is a known bug in
Mandriva that affects GM. Upgrading libasound cures it.


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