Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] (no subject)

Hi Abdulaziz,

Am Samstag, den 01.01.2005, 10:55 -0800 schrieb Abdulaziz AlSaffar:
> Hello World,
> Is it possible to use GNOME Meeting to establish the following connection.
> Cell phone == Land line == PC == Internet == PC2 == Land line == Cell
> phone ?

sure. Use something like:
Cellphone <=> GPRS/CSD/HSCSD/UMTS <=> PC <=> Internet <=> PC2 <=> ISDN/VoiceModem/ATM <=> Cell2

for the first link you might want to use some VPN for the dialup, if
there's a PC in front of cellphone #1. If you intend to use cellphone #1
directly as a CSD device, then go for something like a ISDN or ATM on
PC1 too. You might want to run Asterisk or YATE on both PC1 and PC2
then. If cell #1 until PC #1 is only IP infrastructure, then you only
need PC2 to do the callout into PSTN.

> So far, I have only seen PC to Phone information in the FAQ, but nothing
> like the above. This will be a little private voip network for me and a
> few friends, my phone bill keeps on going over $200 a month in the past
> 1.5 years on international call. 
> What system specs would you recommend? Something cheap, no need for
> video, just audio.

Specs is hard to tell. Depends largly on what is best for your local
telco conditions. Maybe some callback from PC1 to cell #1 might be worth
the costs, maybe not. And still there's many open questions above, so if
you need more info ask more precise questions about what usage profile
you're targetting (in terms of parallel calls etc).


Best regards,

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