Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] GM and wireless

> I am running GM 1.2.1 in a FC4 pc with kernel 2.6.12-1.1387_FC4. This pc
> (a desktop one) has a Netgear WC311 usb wifi network card, with a
> ndiswrapper 1.2.0 driver.
> The wifi works ok with all apps, and GM works ok when not working on
> wireless (and with a fixed ip assigned).
> When mixing the two (gm & wifi), I assign in the router a fixed ip
> address for this pc, and forward all packets to port 1720 to the port
> 1720 on this fixed ip. I also run GM's druid and configure thru it the
> NAT support. Then I have no problems calling the robot at
> But when somebody calls me (by calling the router),
> I can see its video and hear it for a few seconds, but then the wifi
> driver goes nuts, it loses route information ($route just freezes),and
> I am no longer able to make wifi work without restarting the pc (ifdown
> and ifup simply freeze).
> This could be either
> - a problem with the wifi driver (in that case I would like to know of
> other usb card that works well with FC and GM, and I will buy it)
> - a problem with my setting of NAT, in that case I will appreciate any
> help :)

If it works for a few seconds and if you have no problem with the robot,
then I think it is not a NAT problem. I think you forward only port 1720,
and what is the result of the NAT test? CONE NAT?

If so, then the problem is on the WIFI driver side and I suggest you to :
- try without video and see if it works (perhaps too much upload puzzles
the driver)
- contact the author of the driver

> Thx
>    Claudio
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