[GnomeMeeting-list] Registering with ils.seconix.com problem

Hi all,

I last used gnomemeeting a couple of years ago - wow has it improved.
I have setup ekiga and can successfully test with sip:500 ekiga net
everything appears to work pretty well perfectly.

OK dumb question. I have a relative in Australia running netmeeting. We used 
to log into ils.seconix.com

protocol h232
gatekeeper ils.seconix.com,
my old user name and password

I get 'registration failed'

running in debug mode I get ...

2006/06/09 20:27:47.424  55:56.997      GMAccounts...t:085c6500 OpalUDP 
Binding to interface:
2006/06/09 20:27:47.424  55:56.998      GMAccounts...t:085c6500 OpalUDP 
Started connect to
2006/06/09 20:27:47.425  55:56.999            GkMonitor:861d178 RAS     
Background thread started
2006/06/09 20:27:47.468  55:57.041      GMAccounts...t:085c6500 OpalUDP STUN 
created socket:
2006/06/09 20:27:47.469  55:57.042      GMAccounts...t:085c6500 Trans   
Sending PDU:
  gatekeeperRequest {
    requestSeqNum = 30523
    protocolIdentifier =
    rasAddress = ipAddress {
      ip =  4 octets {
        56 82 24 99                                        V.$.
      port = 5079
    endpointType = {
      vendor = {
        vendor = {
          t35CountryCode = 9
          t35Extension = 0
          manufacturerCode = 61
        productId =  7 octets {
          65 6b 69 67 61 00 00                               ekiga..
        versionId =  21 octets {
          32 2e 30 2e 31 20 28 4f  50 41 4c 20 76 32 2e 32   2.0.1 (OPAL v2.2
          2e 31 29 00 00                                     .1)..
      terminal = {
      mc = FALSE
      undefinedNode = FALSE
    endpointAlias = 2 entries {
      [0]=h323_ID  10 characters {
        0064 0061 0076 0065 005f 0073 0038 0030   dave_s80
        0033 0032                                 32
      [1]=h323_ID  6 characters {
        0044 0061 0076 0065 0020 0053             Dave S
    authenticationCapability = 2 entries {
      [0]=pwdHash <<null>>
      [1]=authenticationBES radius <<null>>
    algorithmOIDs = 3 entries {
    supportsAltGK = <<null>>
2006/06/09 20:27:52.489  56:02.062      GMAccounts...t:085c6500 OpalUDP 
Timeout on connection read select.
2006/06/09 20:27:52.489  56:02.063      GMAccounts...t:085c6500 H225RAS Read 
error (0):
2006/06/09 20:27:52.490  56:02.063      GMAccounts...t:085c6500 Trans   
Sending PDU:
  gatekeeperRequest {
    requestSeqNum = 30523
    protocolIdentifier =
    rasAddress = ipAddress {
      ip =  4 octets {
        56 82 24 99                                        V.$.
      port = 5079
    endpointType = {
      vendor = {
        vendor = {
          t35CountryCode = 9
          t35Extension = 0
          manufacturerCode = 61
        productId =  7 octets {
          65 6b 69 67 61 00 00                               ekiga..
        versionId =  21 octets {
          32 2e 30 2e 31 20 28 4f  50 41 4c 20 76 32 2e 32   2.0.1 (OPAL v2.2
          2e 31 29 00 00                                     .1)..
      terminal = {
      mc = FALSE
      undefinedNode = FALSE
    endpointAlias = 2 entries {
      [0]=h323_ID  10 characters {
        0064 0061 0076 0065 005f 0073 0038 0030   dave_s80
        0033 0032                                 32
      [1]=h323_ID  6 characters {
        0044 0061 0076 0065 0020 0053             Dave S
    authenticationCapability = 2 entries {
      [0]=pwdHash <<null>>
      [1]=authenticationBES radius <<null>>
    algorithmOIDs = 3 entries {
    supportsAltGK = <<null>>
2006/06/09 20:27:57.489  56:07.062      GMAccounts...t:085c6500 OpalUDP 
Timeout on connection read select.
2006/06/09 20:27:57.489  56:07.062      GMAccounts...t:085c6500 H225RAS Read 
error (0):
2006/06/09 20:27:57.489  56:07.062      GMAccounts...t:085c6500 OpalUDP Ended 
connect, selecting
2006/06/09 20:27:57.490  56:07.063            GkMonitor:861d178 RAS     
Background thread ended
2006/06/09 20:27:57.500  56:07.073      GMAccounts...t:085c6500 Opal    
Transport clean up on termination
2006/06/09 20:27:57.500  56:07.073      GMAccounts...t:085c6500 OpalUDP Close
2006/06/09 20:27:57.500  56:07.073      GMAccounts...t:085c6500 Opal    
Transport Close
2006/06/09 20:27:57.500  56:07.073      GMAccounts...t:085c6500 Opal    
Transport clean up on termination
2006/06/09 20:27:57.500  56:07.073      GMAccounts...t:085c6500 OpalUDP Close
2006/06/09 20:27:57.500  56:07.073      GMAccounts...t:085c6500 Opal    
Transport Close

My firewall allows all outgoing ports, NAT is STUN .... I also tried it with 

Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong ?



PS I have tried googling for answers but with no success.


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