Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Transferring calls

Le mardi 16 mai 2006 à 18:01 -0400, don Paolo Benvenuto a écrit :
> I'm trying to transfer calls from ekiga to a asterisk server, but I
> can't.
> When a call arrives, the window appears asking me what host to transfer
> to, I put there the name of the host and hit transfer, but it keeps
> asking me the name of the host, without transferring the call.
> Where am I wrong?

It was a bug.

It is now fixed in :
- the CVS gnome-2-14 branch

That fix will also be released with the upcoming 2.0.2

Thanks for reporting it!
 _      Damien Sandras
//\     Ekiga Softphone:
v_/_    FOSDEM 2006    :
        SIP Phone      : sip:dsandras ekiga net
                         sip:600000 ekiga net

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