Re: Gnumeric 0.57

Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2000 21:24:44 -0400
Cc: gnumeric-list gnome org
Mail-Followup-To: jody, Dave Reed <dreed capital edu>,
      gnumeric-list gnome org
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: inline
User-Agent: Mutt/1.2.5i
From: Jody Goldberg <jgoldberg home com>
Content-Length: 713

On Tue, Oct 10, 2000 at 08:29:09PM -0400, Dave Reed wrote:
What version of gnome-print is needed for Gnumeric 0.57?
From the README :
    You need:
    glib        >= 1.2.7    (glib-libs 1.3 is not supported)
    gtk+        >= 1.2.7    (gnome-libs 1.3 is not supported)
    gnome-libs  >= 1.0.57   (gnome-libs 2.0 is not supported)
    libglade    == 0.14     (DO NOT USE CVS HEAD, 29/Sep/00 it is broken)
    gal         >= 0.0.1
    gnome-print >= 0.24     (Be careful, newer version may not compile)

    gnome-xml   >= 1.8.7    (gnome-xml 2.x not supported yet)
    NOTE : gnome-xml is also known as libxml

    libole2     == 0.1.6
    NOTE : libole2 is also known as libgnomeole2
Sorry about that - I hadn't downloaded it yet so I didn't have the
README - I just remember seeing discussions recently about the
gnome-print versions.


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