RE: Excel/gnumeric function compat test sheet.

Well, looking at the bitwise.xls file, I can see that and, or, xor are
definently not trivial. I will try to finish this file, before starting
to write lists. It seems easy because the framework is there.

On Thu, 2002-07-11 at 18:54, Uri David Akavia wrote:
What about totally trivial functions (like AND/OR)?
What about functions in Gnumeric that are excel compliant?

Uri David

On Thu, 2002-07-11 at 05:14, Phillip Shelton wrote:
I am still happy to look after this for a while.

Have a look at the xls files under this directory. 
This will give you a feel for the sorts of things that have been tested
already, and how we are testing then.  Start by looking at the operator.xls
file to see one way of testing the functions. Then move to address.xls to
see how I started tring to break the address function.  functions.xls was my
first effort. Anything that was updated this year is stuff that I have done.

When you write up a spread sheet, have the collumn that has the answers that
your copy of XL gives, marked with the version please.

You only need to write up the test in XL. Jody will run the test against
Gnumeric for us. (I hope ;-} ).

So please send in the list of functions, and the one you want to start on.
At the moment it is all fair game.

Is it worth a page on the web site Jody?  I do not have web space for it

-----Original Message-----
From: Uri David Akavia [mailto:uridavid netvision net il]
Sent: Thursday, 11 July 2002 5:10 AM
To: Gnumeric Mailing list
Cc: Jody Goldberg
Subject: Re: Excel/gnumeric function compat test sheet.

I am definently willing to help on this. However, I would prefer that it
be organized (in a web page or something). My idea is to get a list of
all functions (am willing to send Excel97 this weekend) and people could
claim functions. That way we won't duplicate effort or neglect uncommon
functions. If I claim a function, I know I can invest the time to try
and write good test cases. Perhaps we need the excel version. (BTW, what
is the policy for changes in functions - to what version does gnumeric
match? And functions that are just plain wrong in excel?)

Anyway, I am willing to invest the time in this, but I hope that it will
be organized. Even without a web page, tell me who to send to, and stuff
like that. What would you want me to do? Check the functions in Excel or
both Gnumeric and Excel?
(I'm thinking writing test cases in excel, and writing the value next to
them, but I'm not about adding the gnumeric value)


Uri David Akavia

On Tue, 2002-07-09 at 04:56, Jody Goldberg wrote:
On Tue, Jul 09, 2002 at 11:32:34AM +1000, Phillip Shelton wrote:
So much for optimisum. I have not been able to work anywere near as fast
I would have liked to on this.  I at the moment do not have much more
those three functions done.

-----Original Message-----
From: Phillip Shelton [mailto:shelton usq edu au]
Sent: Monday, 7 January 2002 5:02 PM
To: gnumeric list
Subject: Excel/gnumeric function compat test sheet.

I am slowly putting together a workbook that tests each function that
has.  It will be used to see how close gnumeric is to being a clone.  So
far, with some feedback from Jody, I have 66 tests for the first three
functions alphabetically from Excel 97.

Please feel free to e-mail the list with any of your favourite functions
more specifically, excel sheets that have a test case that you want
or you know currently don't work.
This is an extremely important project for gnumeric and is ideal for
users who may not want to start programming in C.   Please contact
the list if you can help here.  The faster we can break the
functions the sooner we can get them finished.
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