Re: Gnumeric (t=xin(x*y))

On Mon, 2002-05-27 at 14:05, Adrian Custer wrote:
On Mon, 2002-05-27 at 08:12, Daniel Carrera wrote:
I just saw this screenshot on Gnumeric's home page:

It shows the graph of the function 't=sin(x*y)' (bottom left).

That's really cool.

How do you do that?  Could someone tell me how they did that?
Sorry to get your hopes up, this is not gnumeric but rather a
demonstration of an embedded bonobo object in gnumeric. The actual
software that did it is, I believe, scigraphica:

someday perhaps :-)
It is the plotter that was part of Dr. Genius.
I think that plotter was abandoned. It was a fork of some KDE plotter app.


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