Re: Gnumeric and RedHat 8.0- resolved

Don't go messing with Freetype! This is a unicode issue, it is not yet 
completely supported in all applications. By default, RH8 installs UTF8. One 
option is the change the system locale to an ISO set.

I read the Red Hat release notes, which give a better solution than changing 
the entire system locale:

"Certain third party applications, such as the Adobe® Acrobat Reader®, may not 
function correctly (or crash upon startup) because they lack support for 
Unicode locales. Until third party developers provide such support in their 
products, you may work around this issue by setting the LANG environment 
variable at the shell prompt to C prior to typing the application name. For 

env LANG=C acroread"

I tried this on Gnumeric, and it does the trick.

Carla Schroder
Bratgrrl Computing
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