Re: Re: chinese input method collided with gnumeric

On Wed, Jul 02, 2003 at 11:18:03AM +0800, zuowei wrote:
Dear Jody,

   I contacted with the chinese input method author,and he told me
   how to change the enable key of it,then I did it successful and
   change default enable key to ctrl+shift using the method he
   told me.I can use the chinese input method now.
Its good to know that it is possible.
   In fact,all chinese input method's default enable key is
   ctrl+space,I hoped that gnumeric develop team can consider this
   problem,and adjust the accelerator of gnumeric,or like what's
   you said,the accelerator can be editable.  All people using
   chinese input method will be glad to see that.
Do you have access to a chinese version of MS Excel ?  I'd be
interested to know what they do.  Gnumeric did not choose that
accelerator itself.  There were bug reports from MS Excel users
requesting it for compatibility.

   ps:I ever wanted to enable the input method through the input
   method context menu of edit line,but it didn't work.I don't
   know why.
I would have hoped that would work.
Could you file a really detailed bug explaining

1) which input method you have installed and how to install it.
2) The the exact set of key and mouse events you tried that did not
work.  Please be very very specific, this is probably something


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