Gnumeric failed miserably because of pre-dist'ed files

If gnumeric is not compiled under prefix other than /local/gnome22/test,
then it can't find almost every file at all, thus getting a barebone UI.
Can and src/gnumeric-paths.h be removed from
EXTRA_DIST? It's because these files are not regenerated during make:

[deaddog localhost gnumeric-1.1.19]$ grep -r '/local/gnome22' .
./    my $alias_file = $ENV{"G_CHARSET_ALIAS"} || "/local/gnome22/test/lib/charset.alias";
./ location="/local/gnome22/test/libexec/gnumeric-component">
./src/gnumeric-paths.h:#define GNUMERIC_PREFIX "/local/gnome22/test"
./src/gnumeric-paths.h:#define GNUMERIC_SYSCONFDIR "/local/gnome22/test/etc"
./src/gnumeric-paths.h:#define GNUMERIC_DATADIR "/local/gnome22/test/share/gnumeric/1.1.19"
./src/gnumeric-paths.h:#define GNUMERIC_LIBDIR "/local/gnome22/test/lib/gnumeric/1.1.19"
./src/gnumeric-paths.h:#define GNUMERIC_ICONDIR "/local/gnome22/test/share/pixmaps/gnumeric"
./src/gnumeric-paths.h:#define GNUMERIC_LOCALEDIR "/local/gnome22/test/share/locale"

Abel Cheung
Linux counter #256983   |
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