Re: looking for liblibxml2.a during compile.

On Wed, Oct 22, 2003 at 02:26:36PM -0700, Russell, Patrick wrote:
While compiling libgsf 1.8.2 I recieved the following error:

collect2:  library liblibxml2.a not found
make[2]:*** [] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/opt/freeware/src/packages/sources/libgsf-1.8.2/gsf'

liblibxml2.a doesn't exist and I can find no refereces to it on the Internet.  However, libxml2.a does 
exist in the directory /usr/opt/freeware/lib.  I have a soft link to this file in /usr/lib for compiling.  
What should I look at first?

here is my systrems vital stat

H/W: IBM R/S600

OS: AIX 5.1
sounds like an issue with the file
probably in /usr/opt/freeware/lib/pkgconfig

that is likely the place that lists libxml2.a rather than something
simpler like -lxml2

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