Re: Guile Plugin

"00446575" == 00446575  <00446575 academ01 cem itesm mx> writes:
    00446575> I have to say I am happy that someone is interested in
    00446575> this toy.  I can help you to get this thing working back
    00446575> again...

Great! Right now I am able to do some basic stuff. It would be nice to
have more functionality in. For example I would love to have the
ability to access multiple cells (rows columns etc) and also the
ability to access different sheets.

I think the python plugin has all this and more. I would like to stick
with scheme though.

- p

Puneet Goel
TranSwitch India
BEES sip honey from flowers and
hum their thanks when they leave.

The gaudy butterfly is sure that the
flowers owe thanks to him.
Stray Birds, Rabindernath Tagore


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