Re: Gnumeric vs. OOCalc

Just above that schematic is the text "Header:" followed by a pop-up
menu. The bottom item on that menu should be `customize header'.
OK, sorry, I did not see it.

But let me please still complain that in term of human interface, it is
not optimal. Mixing pre-defined headers/footers with a "customise
headers/footers" action in the same pop-up menu is really confusing.
When looking, e.g. at XL2k, it has a pop-up menu with pre-defined
things, but there is a different button with the label "customise

May I file a bug report ?


Frédéric Parrenin
tel: 05 61 33 29 56
fax: 05 61 25 32 05
LEGOS, 18, av. Edouard Belin
31401 Toulouse Cedex 9

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