Le jeu 06/05/2004 à 18:56, Robert Jerrard a écrit :
Wow, I finally have succeeded in compiling Gnumeric 1.3, thank you to all for the comments regarding me earlier autogen problems. Particular thanks are also due to Andreas for his help off-list. On a minor(?) note, I do get an error panel on launch: Errors while initializing plugin system. Errors while reading info about available plugins. Errors occurred while reading plugin informations from file "/usr/lib/gnumeric/1.3.0/plugins/gnome-db/plugin.xml". Errors while reading services for plugin with id="Gnumeric_GnomeDB". Error while reading service #1 info. Unknown service type: ui.
This is because the ui service is related to bonobo and as bonobo is disabled, the service is unknown and the db plugin cannot be loaded. Jean
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