Re: Menu adding interface is needed without bonobo.

On Sat, 4 Sep 2004 22:55:12 -0400
Jody Goldberg <jody gnome org> wrote:

On Sun, Aug 29, 2004 at 12:49:40AM +0900, Yukihiro Nakai wrote:
I'm tring to implement the Excel features of live web page import.
As the attached screenshot, table selection code is already done based on
gtkhtml. The rest work is the gnumeric side support.
Neat, I'm unclear what you mean by 'live'.  How is this different
than pasting from a webbrowser into gnumeric ?
You can keep sheet data latest automatically through the web query.
It's very useful to access daily or hourly changed web pages.
But Excel web query doesn't make sense when the web page needs some
authentication. Open source solutions are expected so much.

My plugin doesn't do it and just as similar as copy & paste, but
a good step to go.


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