RE: Bug in Price routine?

According to My HP 17b2+ financial calculator's documentation, the formula
for price if there is one or fewer (??) coupon period remaining is


A=Accrued days, the number of days from beginning of coupon period to
settlement date E=Number of days in coupon period bracketing settlement date
DSC= number of days from settlement to next coupon date. (DSC=E-A) M=number
of coupons per year Y=yield as a decimal fraction CALL=redemption value (I
suppose), CPN%=coupon rate (in percentage, for instance 3.0 instead of .003)

If there is more than 1 coupon remaining then the formula is the same as in

They give as a reference "Lynch, John J., Jr and Jan H. Mayle, Standard
Securities Calculation Methods, Securities Industry Association, New York,

Note that yield formula in gnumeric is correct because it does have a
special case if there is only one coupon remaining.

Probably my suggested patch should read

    /* START OF PATCH */
     if   (n == 1)
          return    ((redemption + den)/(1.0+exponent*basem1)-a/e*den);
    /* END OF PATCH */

Also I believe it would be better (faster and more clear) to replace

d = coupdaysnc (settlement, maturity, conv);


d = e-a;

- Philippe

-----Original Message-----
From: Morten Welinder [mailto:mwelinder gmail com]
Sent: Monday, 07 November, 2005 5:59 PM
To: Lelong, Philippe
Cc: gnumeric-list gnome org
Subject: Re: Bug in Price routine?

For these values, price returns 101.226114 in Excel and HP calculator, 
when gnumeric gives 101.230116.
My Excel gives "101.2226..."

Do you have a reference for this?  The formula we use is the claim that
Excel claims to use, but clearly does not.


-----Original Message-----
From: Morten Welinder [mailto:mwelinder gmail com] 
Sent: Monday, 07 November, 2005 5:59 PM
To: Lelong, Philippe
Cc: gnumeric-list gnome org
Subject: Re: Bug in Price routine?

For these values, price returns 101.226114 in Excel and HP calculator,
gnumeric gives 101.230116.
My Excel gives "101.2226..."

Do you have a reference for this?  The formula we use is the claim that
Excel claims to use, but clearly does not.


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