Re: spreadsheet file is missing changes

On Fri, 2006-24-02 at 14:57 -0800, Ken Hill wrote:
I closed the screen of the laptop and I went to bed. The battery ran
out of juice, thus, the drive was probably not properly unmounted.
However, I saved the file before closing the screen of the laptop;
wouldn't that of saved the file even if the drive unmounted

Not necessarily. While the file was written to disk the inode may not
have been written and so the system may not know to true location of the
blocks belonging to the disk. 

The copy of my gnumeric file says the file size is "0" (zero):

$ ls -l race_cars.xml
-rw-r--r--  1 ken ken 0 2006-02-23 11:49 race_cars.xml

It is an XML file because I tried to gunzip it.

I am more interested in the size of the original file.


Andreas J. Guelzow, Professor
Dept. of Mathematical & Computing Sciences
Concordia University College of Alberta

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