Re[2]: non linear regressions and histograms.

On Tue, Jean wrote:
I have made some work on non linear regression curves in 
graphs, and
especially in histograms. As a sample, I implemented a gaussian fit. The
patch is available, for interested people, at: (~30kB).

On Tue, 10 Jan 2006 Martin msevior physics unimelb edu au apparently wrote:
This is great! Physicists often need to fit complex 
functions to data.
However these are often so complex that they really need to be compiled
against a library. I was wondering if it were possible to write a really
well documented plugin that uses "C-minuit"
so that sophisticated users could code their own fitting routine.
Just a crazy idea.
Not crazy at all.
The core idea:
free software should try to leverage the existing code base.
In my view, the right way to do this would be to rely on NumPy.
This is feasible, would prove very user friendly,
and has lots of useful stuff already in place.
But the choice is not as important as *a* choice.

Alan Isaac

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