Export locking sheet to Excel


I'm really interested in repairing open Bug 330129 – Export locking sheet to Excel - http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=330129 (Maybe including validation which seems to be correctly exported only in Excel97+ export).
Is anybody interested too?
Is anybody working on it?

Is that hard work for somebody who know the Gnumeric infrastructure?
How many hours of work you expect?
(I can sponsor such patch maybe if it will not ruine me :-))

I think all what is need to be repaired is described in the document:

Unfortunatelly I'm not Gnome guru, and I have not studied all the GSF and Gnumeric sources... etc. ;-) I would like to repair it myself if there is no other way, but I'm sure it will take me much more time than it will to somebody with experiences. Anyway: Can you help me on IRC with that if I reach some obstacles (I promise I will not bother you every 5 minute :-))? Where and what I should start to read - I mean any developer documentation available? Or just source? Which file to start with?
(I expect to work on it during weekend, maybe next week)

Thanks a lot for any advices or answers

Klokan Petr Pridal
student FI MU Brno, Czech Republic

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