Re: Feature request: Save Gnumeric spreadsheets in R file format


Both are great pieces of software; glad you are working with them. 

Saving to .RData doesn't make much sense in a complex environment. You
are much better off getting familiar with using Gnumeric's text
import/export to go to text files and using R's read.table() or similar
functions to go into and out of R. The R functions keep getting easier
and better; learn the process once, and it will last you a long time.


On Wed, 2007-04-25 at 19:02 +0200, andreas karlsson ltv se wrote:

I have just started using Gnumeric. I am also using R
( and would like to be able to easily export
Gnumeric spreadsheets to R file format for using it in R.

Could you please add the possibility to save a Gnumeric spreadsheet in the
.RData file format used by R?

Thanks for a great software!

Best regards
Andreas Karlsson

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