Re: New Gnumeric icon

I ended up using the debian 'icoutils' to merge the new tango icons
into a package for 1.7.11.  All the sizes are there, we're just
missing the lower bit levels.  Does anyone know how fallback is
handled in that case ?

On Wed, Jan 17, 2007 at 09:50:08AM -0600, Ryan Pavlik wrote:
Ivan Wong wrote:
If you would like, email the PNG's to me and I can take a peek at it.  
You can put a full-transparency version in along with the scaled down 
one - Windows XP supports this, IIRC.


Hi Ryan,

I think the problem is not about converting png to ico or saving multiple size versions as a single file 
(actually the current one I made some years ago has multiple size versions). The problem that is more 
difficult than writing such a program by myself is that I don't have the skill to make the edges of those 
graphics looks reasonably good after converting the original 8-bit transparent mask into 1-bit. And so I 
just used a pure black background to avoid having any transparency, which is not good. I think there's a 
bug in bugzilla regarding this and ends up with seeking a gnome artist to do the 1-bit alpha icon.


On Tue, 16 Jan 2007 19:11:12 -0600, Ryan Pavlik <abiryan ryand net> wrote:
As a note regarding that, using png2ico (found here: ) would probably be a
useful step as well as you can combine the multiple size versions into a
single file in the format that Windows desires for icons.  I use it for
my AbiWord icons on Windows.


Ivan, Wong Yat Cheung wrote:
Hi Vinicius,

Looks great! Could you mind to make an icon collection for the Windows
version of Gnumeric as well? i.e. icons with 1-bit transparent mask. I
remember there're some users complaining about the icons on win32 which
don't look very great...


Vinicius Depizzol wrote:

Hello again,

After some time, I finished all sizes of Gnumeric icon, including
Take a look in Tango Fridays page[1] or directly:


On 12/14/06, Uri David Akavia <uridavid akavia gmail com> wrote:

Personally, I like the one with the purple better (the default
Very high contrast, and clear.

Very good job.

Uri David

On 12/13/06, Vinicius Depizzol <vdepizzol gmail com> wrote:

Following the new Gnome Icon Theme, Tango Desktop Project is
creating[1] a lot of icons for applications that doesn't  use the
newer guidelines.

I created Gnumeric icon according to the actual[2] and this is the
- Graph on center:

- First row/col darker:

- Graph with default colors of Gnumeric:

What do you think? Comments?


Vinicius Depizzol
vdepizzol gmail com
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Ryan Pavlik
AbiWord Win32 Platform Maintainer, Art Lead:
AbiWord Community Outreach Project:

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Ryan Pavlik
AbiWord Win32 Platform Maintainer, Art Lead:
AbiWord Community Outreach Project:

"Optimism is the father that leads to achievement."
 -- Helen Keller

"The folder structure in a modern Linux distribution such as Ubuntu
was largely inspired by the original UNIX foundations that were
created by men with large beards and sensible jumpers."
 -- Jono Bacon, The Ubuntu Guide

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