svn woes with build

As some of you may know, I'm sporadically (and hopefully soon more
regularly) working on trying to get a more reliable build setup going. Had
to be away for 3 months, and just now giving things another try. Mostly I
seem to have to ensure my build machine has all the requisite header
files. However, today I've a rather different error.

Here is the tail of the jhbuild for step 12/47 (ORBit2)

test -z "/opt/gnome2/share/info" || /bin/mkdir -p "/opt/gnome2/share/info"
 /home/john/bin/install-check -m 644 './'
test -z "/opt/gnome2/lib/pkgconfig" || /bin/mkdir -p
 /home/john/bin/install-check -m 644 'libIDL-2.0.pc'
make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/john/checkout/gnome2/libIDL'
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/john/checkout/gnome2/libIDL'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/john/checkout/gnome2/libIDL'
*** Checking out ORBit2 *** [12/47]
svn update .
svn: Working copy '.' locked
svn: run 'svn cleanup' to remove locks (type 'svn help cleanup' for details)
*** error during stage checkout of ORBit2: ########## Error running svn
update . *** [12/47]

  [1] rerun stage checkout
  [2] ignore error and continue to configure
  [3] give up on module
  [4] start shell
  [5] go to stage force_checkout

I tried the cleanup, but ...

john debian2:~/checkout/gnome2/ORBit2$ svn cleanup
svn: In directory 'src/idl-compiler'
svn: Error processing command 'modify-wcprop' in 'src/idl-compiler'
svn: 'src/idl-compiler/orbit-idl-c-deps.c' is not under version control
john debian2:~/checkout/gnome2/ORBit2$

I'm fairly much just a "user" of svn, so wondering if there's an easy fix
for this.


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