GSoC project - implementing 3d plots


I'm planning to participate in Google Summer of Code 2008 and I'm interested 
in one of Gnumeric's project - adding support for 3d plots. I think this 
project could be interesting, challenging and educative for me, and (I hope) 
usefull for Gnumeric. On a daily basis I'm programming mostly in C++, but I 
have some experience in C and GTK. I'm familiar with charting and data 
analysis topics (I have a small pet project -, and I had 
also some experience with 3d graphics in the past.

I have no previous experience with such a big projects as Gnumeric and 
GOffice, but I'm willing to learn. I would like to know if you have any 
special preferences or requirements on students-applicants, so I could 
estimate my chances. I'm very excited about working on Gnumeric and I'm 
looking forward to Your replay.


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