Re: Figuring out why function implementations aren't available

Oops, I attached the wrong file.

On 18 Apr 12:17, Thomas Levine wrote:
A plugin I am writing is behaving strangely, and I am
having trouble figuring out why I'm seeing no error messages.

The spellbook contains plugin.xml (attached) and

    import libsheetmusic.main
    sheetmusic_functions = libsheetmusic.main.functions()

When I put the spellbook in the appropriate place, set PYTHONPATH
to the directory containing libsheetmusic, open Gnumeric, and run
a function from the spellbook,


the cell renders this,

    Function implementation not available.

and I see no error messages. When I switch to
the file below,

    import libsheetmusic.main # in case this is creating an error
    sheetmusic_functions = {'diatonic_scale': lambda _: 3}

it works as you'd expect.

Any ideas?


import libsheetmusic.main
sheetmusic_functions = libsheetmusic.main.functions()
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Attachment: plugin.xml
Description: application/xml

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