Hi everybody, I'm trying to use the new grid item in pygoocanvas (goocanvas.Grid), but I recieve the following message: freyes yoda:~$ python grid-test.py Traceback (most recent call last): File "grid-test.py", line 34, in <module> fill_color="blue") NotImplementedError: goocanvas.Grid is an abstract widget I attach a test case, I'm using goocanvas 0.13 and pygoocanvas 0.13, both compiled by hand from the gnome.org sources. do you know what could be wrong with my code? thanks in advance. -- Felipe Reyes Astorga counter.li.org #316380
## ## grid-test.py ## Login : <freyes yoda starwars cl> ## Started on Fri Dec 26 15:01:51 2008 Felipe Reyes ## $Id$ import goocanvas import gtk win = gtk.Window() win.connect("delete-event", gtk.main_quit) canvas = goocanvas.Canvas() win.add (canvas) root = canvas.get_root_item() grid = goocanvas.Grid(parent=root, x=100, y=100, width=400, height=200, x_step=20, Y_step=20, x_offset=10, y_offset=10, horz_grid_line_width=4.0, horz_grid_line_color="yellow", vert_grid_line_width=2.0, vert_grid_line_color="red", border_width=3.0, border_color="white", fill_color="blue") win.show_all() gtk.main()
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