Re: Handling long SVG strings in Path

Jamie Lahowetz wrote:
I am new to C and am trying to translate a Perl program I wrote over to C.

Ouch =)

The program displays shapefiles using the path call in goocanvas and

What is a "shapefile"

utilizes svg to make them look right. The strings that the shapefiles generate can be 1million+ characters in size so they are very large. My question is, what is the best way to handle such a large string in C and insert it into path? Thanks.

C isn't Perl, and turning everything into a big string is probably the wrong approach. This isn't exactly a programming language discussion list, though, so you might consider asking that question in another forum.

In any case, it's still not clear to me what you are doing. Are you trying to parse SVG from a file and use goocanvas to render it? If so, there are any number of ways to go about doing that, depending on what your ultimate goal is. It sounds like, however, that you are trying to load a long path description string from a file.

I would strongly advise breaking the problem down into smaller pieces

Jamie Ryan Lahowetz
University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Graduate Student - Geosciences
jlahowetz gmail com <mailto:jlahowetz gmail com>


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