Hi everybody !! Just to let you know that we're not missing in action :) I'm already started to work in splitting GTetrinet into core and GUI. The core will be released as a library called libtetrinet which will implement the Tetrinet protocol. It should do things easier for people who is writing Tetrinet clients. I still don't have a clear idea for the API, so any help with this will be greatly appreciated. Right now, the libtetrinet code is still in my computer as it isn't finished yet. Neither GTetrinet or libtetrinet can compile right now, but I will send a mail to let you know that libtetrinet is in CVS and ready to be tested. If anyone wants to help me with libtetrinet while it isn't in CVS, just send a mail to me or to this list. On the other side, I've already fixed some bugs in GTetrinet itself, like the keyboard bug that Christian Kröner reported. It will see the light in the 0.8.0 version. I've also rewritten the key signal handling code, it's much better now. Ok, so nothing more to say. I expect to have a GTetrinet 0.8.0 in January, libtetrinet will be released at the same time, and obviously, GTetrinet 0.8.0 will depend on libtetrinet. Next step will be porting GTetrinet to libglade, and we'll be almost ready for a 1.0.0 release :D (any other ideas for things to do before 1.0.0 ??) Merry Christmas to everyone !! -- #include <gnome.h> // By Daniel Carbonell Fraj, mamón itinerante // Public GnuPG key $ gpg --recv-keys --keyserver wwwkeys.pgp.net 73D91D7E
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