El mi? 16-07-2003 a las 21:57, Christian Kröner escribió: > dear developers, > i noticed a bug in the recent version of gtetrinet, 0.7.3. in this version it > is impossible to move the pieces while letting them fall down faster (hehe, > im german, sorry for that bad english :D) i switched back to 0.7.2 and it was > fine again... pls fix this for future versions... > greets, coroner I can't reproduce this... I'm holding pressed the "down" key, the piece falls faster, and I can move it around, rotate it, drop it, the special keys work... can someone confirm this ?? -- #include <gnome.h> // By Daniel Carbonell Fraj, mamón itinerante // Public GnuPG key $ gpg --recv-keys --keyserver wwwkeys.pgp.net 73D91D7E
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