El dom, 25-05-2003 a las 00:08, LM . escribió: > Hi, > > I just installed gtetrinet 0.7.0. I use gtetrinet since a long time. Btw, > congtatulations for your work! I saw a "bug". When I type something in the > partyline, if the game start, my text that I was writing is erased > automatically. And when the game starts, the playing field windows become > the first screen. Its kinda annoying if you write a message in the partyline > and when the game starts the message is erased and the windows changed > automatically. > > PS: Sorry for my bad english. Well, first of all, gtetrinet 0.7.1 is out :) and about the bug you mention, yes, it is as you say. Let me explain: When you switch to the Playing Field, from the Partyline, the focus remains in the Partyline's text entry. So, if you press a key that isn't configured, it is displayed in the text entry. Eventually, while playing, you'll write a lot of characters into the text entry, and when you finish playing and return to the Partyline, you'll find that there are a bunch of strange characters in the text entry, and you'll have to erase them. So, to fix this problem I just erase whatever text is in the Partyline text entry each time you switch to the Partyline tab. I thought that the Partyline is a place to do quick chats between one game and the other, it isn't meant to be a place to hold conferences ;) Anyway, some time ago I hand-forged the main focus chain in the Partyline, so I'm not sure if the issue that I mentioned above still exists. I'll try some day, when I have time, right now I'm in exams :( -- #include <gnome.h> // By Daniel Carbonell Fraj, mamón itinerante // Public GnuPG key $ gpg --recv-keys --keyserver wwwkeys.pgp.net 73D91D7E
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