Re: [gthumb-list] Could Not Display Help

Some progress.
As a shot in the dark I added gnome-menus.x86_64 and gnome-disk-utility.x86_64.

This also added:

 gnome-disk-utility                  x86_64          2.32.0-1.fc14             fedora           440 k
Installing for dependencies:
 avahi-ui                            x86_64          0.6.27-2.fc14             fedora            32 k
 exempi                              x86_64          2.1.1-1.fc13              fedora           338 k
 gnome-disk-utility-libs             x86_64          2.32.0-1.fc14             fedora           1.1 M
 gnome-disk-utility-ui-libs          x86_64          2.32.0-1.fc14             fedora           103 k
 gvfs                                x86_64          1.6.6-1.fc14              updates          961 k
 libatasmart                         x86_64          0.17-2.fc13               fedora            38 k
 nautilus                            x86_64           updates          3.6 M
 nautilus-extensions                 x86_64           updates           56 k
 smp_utils                           x86_64          0.94-3.fc12               fedora            99 k
 udisks                              x86_64          1.0.1-4.fc14              fedora           176 k
 xfsprogs                            x86_64          3.1.2-1.fc14              fedora           725 k

So now when I click Help->Keyboard Shortcuts a "Help Browser" window opens.
Along with the window comes a pop-up reading "Unable to load page" "The requested URI 
"ghelp:gthumb?gthumb-shortcuts" is invalid"
The "About" for the "Help Browser" reads "Help 2.30.2".

Another problem I've noticed. I open the "gthumb Extensions" window and select a extension. The "Preferences" 
button on the bottom of the window always stays grayed out no matter what extension I highlight.

Just to be clear. If you tell me that the only way to get gthumb to work correctly is to install the complete gnome desktop then I'll do it. I'd just rather not since I have a slow internet connection and the less packages installed then the less I have to download when updating.

As a shot in the dark

On 01/30/2011 09:24 PM, Sam wrote:
Good question but I don't know since I'm using the Fedora KDE spin so I haven't installed all the gnome 
desktop files.
Could it be a dependency issue?


On 01/30/2011 07:41 PM, Dr. Michael J. Chudobiak wrote:
On 01/30/2011 07:15 PM, Sam wrote:
I'm running Gthumb version 2.12.1 on a new clean install of Fedora 14
KDE Desktop.
When I click on the "Help" tab and then select either "Contents" or
"Keyboard Shortcuts" a pop-up window appears.
Inside it reads "Could Not Display Help" and "operation not supported".
Same thing happens if I hit "F1"
Does it work in gnome?

- Mike
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