Re: [gthumb-list] gthumb 2.13.1 released

Il giorno lun, 14/03/2011 alle 12.33 -0700, Steven Rosenberg ha scritto:
On Thu, 2011-03-10 at 17:07 +0100, Paolo Bacchilega wrote:
I'm not sure what will go in 2.14 but these are some of the ideas I

* a map view: view the position of the picture on a map if the image
   contains gps info
* flagged images: a more powerfull way to select images
* delete all the metadata from a list of files
* sharpen/blur image
is a sharpen function addressing fuzzy photos?

* write text on an image
* other site uploaders: thumblr, imageshack, twitpic, Smugmug, etc
Those all sound good. Sharpen is my No. 1, but you know that already.

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