Re: [gthumb-list] rotation during import process

Il 29/10/2012 20:33, don Paolo Benvenuto ha scritto:
Il giorno lun, 29/10/2012 alle 18.59 +0100, Paolo Bacchilega ha scritto:
Il 29/10/2012 15:45, Paolo Benvenuto ha scritto:
2012/10/29 Paolo Bacchilega <paolo bacchilega libero it>:
Il 29/10/2012 11:56, Paolo Benvenuto ha scritto:

2012/10/28 Paolo Bacchilega <paolo bacchilega libero it>:
Il 27/10/2012 22:51, don Paolo Benvenuto ha scritto:

I installed today's gthumb from git, and the situation is:

- the thumbnails are shown in the importer windows without taking into
account the rotation flag: I consider it's a bug, importer should take
into account orientation
- if phisical rotation after importing is enabled in preferences, all
imported images have rotation flags "top, left", and both images and
thumbnails are shown in gthumb as if a "reset exif flag" preference was
set: BUG: apparently a wrong function is used, a function which resets
exif flag instead of a function which phisically rotates the images
- if phisical rotation after importing is disabled in preferences,
gthumb shows both images and thumbnails with the correct orientation and
with the original orientation flags (ok)

In extensions/importer/gth-import-task.c, lines 407 , function
apply_transformation_async is called with a GTH_TRANSFORM_NONE
parameter..... it sounds weird...

It's correct.  The function already takes into account the embedded rotation
so passing the GTH_TRANSFORM_NONE value means just apply the embedded
but what actually happens is that image is let as it is, without
phisically modifying it, and exif rotation flags are reset!

try to import an image twice, you should see the overwrite confirmation
dialog, if the new image (as displayed in the overwrite dialog) is not
rotated correctly that means that the embedded orientation is not
present in the original file.
I attacched the screenshot of the reimport of the same image, but I
doesn't understand how I should interpret it.

I attacch a reduced version of the image itself: it was transferred to
the pc with nautilus from the card reader, gthumb didn't touch it. Maybe
someone could check whether it has correct exif orientation flags or

I think that means that there is a bug in gthumb :) because the embedded 
orientation is set correctly (the preview in the overwrite dialog is 
correctly oriented) and for some reason it is deleted when the image is 
- Paolo

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