Re: Embedding GTK in Xt?

Bjorn Reese <breese mail1 stofanet dk> writes:
I am trying to embed the Mozilla web browser in a Motif application.
As Mozilla is currently based solely on GTK, I must be able to embed
a GTK widget in an Xt widget (and no, porting the Motif application
to GTK is not an option). Qt has a widget (qxt), which enables
embedding Qt widgets in Xt and vice versa, but I have not found
anything similar for GTK.

I know a fair amount about Xt and Motif (I have constructed several
Motif widgets), but I am not too familiar with GTK.

I have been looking at GtkPlug, GtkXtBin, the EventBox container,
and a few other widgets, but none of them allows me to supply my
own X window.
Normally people embed a Motif widget in GTK, not the other way
around. Mozilla can embed legacy plugins from Netscape 4.x, which
embeds Motif in GTK. So this is definitely possible in that direction.

I don't know of anyone who's done it the other way, putting GTK in
Motif. The general line of attack I would look at is putting the GTK
widget in a GtkPlug, then trying to emulate GtkSocket on the Motif
side, possibly even putting the GTK widget in a separate process from
the Motif app. If you use the widget systems in the same process, you
would want to merge the main loops, presumably you can copy XtBin or
Mozilla there.


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