Re: Game loop with Gtk.

If your looking to write a high performance game this really might not be
a good idea if you want to use GTK and SDL. Effectivly you would be using
a widget set and a wrapper and that would slow things down dramatically.

If your writing a game for the first time, then SDL or glut may be a good
set of training wheels to get you started.

Use SDL -  It's the library Loki uses
to port their games to Linux, and there's a GTK widget for it.

Does anyone have any advice on using GTK to write a
game style loop using Gtk?

What is the best type of widget to use for images?
Canvas items? Pixmaps? Pixbufs?

How do I achieve double buffering? How do I move
images around the screen as smoothly and fast as
Sincerely,                  ,"-_                         \|/
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