Re: Creating SubMenus

Nicolas Raitman wrote:


NR> Hi to all. I know how t create menus and menuitems, but suppose I want to
NR> have the following structure.

NR> Edit
NR> Do you understand? How can I do this? I know that I cannot do it with the
NR> ItemFactory, that's why I am doing it in the complex way, creating each
NR> thing, but I could not find out how to create a sub menu.

Submenus  are in fact just standards menu item, which you added a menu
to. So, you just need to create a menu:

font_menu = gtk_menu_new ();

Then create a menu_item;

font_item = gtk_menu_item_new_with_label ("Font");
gtk_widget_set_name (font_item, "font_item");
gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (edit_menu), font_item);
gtk_widget_show (font_item);

And finally attach font_menu to font_item:

gtk_menu_item_set_submenu (font_item, font_menu);

That's  very  easy  to  understand, IMHO. Note that I don't think it's
more difficult that using ItemFactory...

NR> Thanks a lot,
NR> Nicolas


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