Re: Is there a pull list down widget?

Does GTK have a pull down list widget? similar (but simpler) to a combo
box? I need to have a short list of items for the user to select from
(nothing fancy).

I could not find a pull down list widget in the gtk tutorial, so I don't
know how to use it if it exists.

I'm catching up my mail, and could not see an answer to this one. Excuse
me if I missed it.

You may want to use a GtkOptionMenu. It has the functionnality of a
GtkCombo but without the editable GtkEntry. 
Hi, thanks for responding, but I'm afraid I have no expeirance with that
perticular widget, let alone ever heard of it.

Do you know how I could use it to store a list of items (which do not
change) and then check which item is selected (also how do I recieve
signals on when a new item is selected)?

Sincerely,                  ,"-_                         \|/
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