Re: passing glist to func

revans wrote:
Please forgive my ignorance, but could someone explain why this doesn't
work? I want to pass a pointer to a glist to a function and modify that
glist there. The following program prints the value of "a" in function foo
then gives a Segmentation fault trying to print the value of "list" in
I am by no means a C expert but I would suggest this version:

void foo(GList **a)
  *a=g_list_append(*a, "text");
  *a=g_list_first(*a); /* this should be unnecessary */
  printf("*a=%s\n", (char *) (*a)->data);

int main()
  GList *list=NULL;
  printf("list=%s\n", (char *) list->data);
  return 0; /* remember to free the items if you put anything else than constants in it */


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