Re: formating gchar *temp


Oliver Kroll wrote:

so, here im trying the same question, but in a other form...

i got an gchar *temp as an parameter for a function. this function is
called with gnode->data as parameter.

but when i do so, the value of gchar *temp got the right value plus
crap char´s, too.

sample:  "´ö x RIGHTVALUE"

can i formate the gchar *temp, to filter the crap char´s?
It seems to me a memory allocation/corruption problem. Probably you are
changing this variable somewhere else or are using accidentally the same
memory region for something else - who knows... I'd anyway suggest as a
possible workaround to use g_strdup() for the value assignment of *temp.
g_strdup() allocates a new pointer for the gchar. Don't forget to
g_free() it once you don't need it anymore (otherwise you'll have a
memory leak).

Kind regards,

Rafael (8-)
rafael peregrino innominate com
software engineer                                        innominate AG
server appliances                                 the linux architects
tel: +49.30.308806-81  fax: -77    

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