Sticky Cascading Menus?

Hello list,

I've just joined the list after having scoured the gtk header files, mail archives and faq for the answer to 
my seemingly trivial problem... so my apologies if I am insulting the collective intelligence of the list!

I was putting up with having to keep the left mouse button depressed while navigating a cascading menu, lest 
it should disappear 4-deep and force me to start again! I then noticed on another box using the framebuffer X 
server, that each menu only required a click to remain posted, and so I could navigate with a relaxed hand. 
Although this anomaly I am sure is not down to gtk, I am wondering if there is a way to ensure this behaviour 
through the gtk interface. After trawling the headers I am no closer to a solution.

Does anyone have the answer?

Chris Q.

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