Re: GClosure questions

Ok, I think I can answer #1 one for myself...

It is really a 'subclass' of GClosure to be used in C.
For cb you pass in your C function to call, and then you set the marshal function to be one of the marhallers from gtkmarhal.h.
If you were writing a python callback, you would write your own struct 
struct MyPyClosure {
GClosure gclosure; PyObject * callable;

And then write your own marshal function to take the GValues and turn them
into Python objects for arguments to the Python callable object.

On 2001.12.17 10:44 Robert Nikander wrote:
I am trying to understand GClosures. I think I am getting most of it, but can someone tell me or point me to some docs about...
1. What is the purpose of the _C_ Closure stuct and gcclosure_new, 
etc?  For example, when does the 'cb' in
   closure = g_cclosure_new( cb, data, notify )

get called?

2. What is the 'meta marshal' function. I set it and it got called just like a 'marshal' function.

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