Re: (no subject)

On Fri, Feb 02, 2001 at 11:27:58AM -0500, Havoc Pennington wrote:
What he meant is that if you make your control a fixed size, and it
contains some text, then that text may be too big to fit in the control
when it is translated to a different language.
At the risk of stating the obvious...

different users have different fonts and screen resolutions, so
fixed sized objects can be a disaster.  Don't assume that all users
are running XF86 on a PC with the same fonts and resolution as you -
some may be running a different X server or have installed
different fonts, and string widths will differ.


Liam Quin - Barefoot in Toronto - liam holoweb net -
author, The Open Source XML Database Toolkit, Wiley, August 2000
Co-author, The XML Specification Guide, Wiley, 1999

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