Re: Help with C

On Monday 02 July 2001 06:42 pm defcon5 ec-red com shared with us the 
following piece of wisdom:

I want to learn GTK\Gnome programming but my skills in C are poor...
Does anyone knows a good tutorial for beginers / intermediate users
about C programming on
Unix /Linux enviroments ???
Help please!!!

Get yourself a copy of "The C Programming Language" by Kernighan and Ritchie 
if you need a tutorial on C in general, or get a copy of "Advanced 
Programming in the Unix Environment" by Stevens if you need a tutorial on 
unix-specific stuff. Tutorial and API references for GTK are avaulable at

Hope this helps.

Bye, Warrior.

ICQ #24496762

Tagline for Monday, July 02, 2001, 22:05
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